Los 5 mejores move fitness ps3

😃 Aquí encontrarás los mejores move fitness ps3. Echa un vistazo a la lista que te proponemos con 5 productos al mejor precio. Si no consigues encontrar lo que quieres vuelve mañana ya que diariamente añadimos más y más productos o puedes consultar más en fitness gloves.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre move fitness ps3

  • Dependiendo de como esté hecho su valor puede variar considerablemente. El rango de precios para move fitness ps3 suele estar entre los 15,72 € y 39,99 € aproximadamente.
  • Más de 1000 usuarios han valorado estos productos y le han dado una nota media muy alta. Eso quiere decir que la calidad es muy buena.
  • Si quieres ampliar la información sobre un producto deportivo haz click sobre él y te abriremos la web de Amazon con toda la descripción. Como ejemplo aquí te ponemos las características de UFC Personal Trainer - Move Compatible (PS3) [Importación inglesa]:
    • Authentic UFC Fitness Experience - Certified by UFC and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), UFC Personal Trainer is designed by leading MMA training experts Mark DellaGrotte, Greg Jackson and Javier Mendez to deliver a challenging and mot...
    • Intense Mixed Martial Arts Exercises - Learn over 70 MMA and NASM certified exercises, including moves from disciplines such as wrestling, kickboxing and Muay Thai, that are designed to improve strength, endurance and conditioning through use in a va...
    • Customisable Workeout Routines - Focus on specific fitness objectives by building personalized routines with up to 12 different exercises. Each custom routine can also be modified to increase or decrease intensity of the game's pre-set pace, enabling...
    • Personalised Training Tools - Receive additional guidance and encouragement throughout the fitness journey by choosing a goal and working with an MMA trainer for personalized instruction. Players will learn MMA-inspired exercises, as well as authenti...
    • Ultimate Training Mode - Hit the mitts against several popular UFC fighters with a variety of challenging rhythm and timing-based agility drills that utilize punching and kicking sequences. Players can unlock a variety of different drills to earn rew...
  • Dentro de la categoría move fitness ps3, el más barato es UFC Personal Trainer - Move Compatible (PS3) [Importación inglesa] y cuesta 12,74 €.
      Aquí puedes ver sus características al completo:
    • Authentic UFC Fitness Experience - Certified by UFC and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), UFC Personal Trainer is designed by leading MMA training experts Mark DellaGrotte, Greg Jackson and Javier Mendez to deliver a challenging and mot...
    • Intense Mixed Martial Arts Exercises - Learn over 70 MMA and NASM certified exercises, including moves from disciplines such as wrestling, kickboxing and Muay Thai, that are designed to improve strength, endurance and conditioning through use in a va...
    • Customisable Workeout Routines - Focus on specific fitness objectives by building personalized routines with up to 12 different exercises. Each custom routine can also be modified to increase or decrease intensity of the game's pre-set pace, enabling...
    • Personalised Training Tools - Receive additional guidance and encouragement throughout the fitness journey by choosing a goal and working with an MMA trainer for personalized instruction. Players will learn MMA-inspired exercises, as well as authenti...
    • Ultimate Training Mode - Hit the mitts against several popular UFC fighters with a variety of challenging rhythm and timing-based agility drills that utilize punching and kicking sequences. Players can unlock a variety of different drills to earn rew...
  • Todo lo que necesites! Mira aquí debajo :D

Más move fitness ps3 para ti

Just Dance 2020 (PlayStation 4) [Importación inglesa]

23,86 €

  • God Is A Woman Ariana Grande
  • Skibidi Little Big
  • Vodovorot XS Project
  • Bangarang Skrillex ft. Sirah
  • Con Calma - Daddy Yankee Ft. Snow
Move Fitness (jeu PS Move) - collection essential [Importación francesa]

19,0 €

  • Classification PEGI : ages_12_and_over
  • Plate-forme : Playstation 3
  • packageQuantity : 1
  • Editeur : Sony
  • Date de sortie : 2012-09-26
Move Fitness - Essential

39,99 €

  • Es un videojuego
  • Plataforma: Playstation 3
  • Es un producto de Sony